...Doctor "J," the "Tokin Librul" invites both (of) his readers and any passers-by to "Toke-Up, Mang"!!! Pass that kutchie... Join me in celebrating the odd accident of the date (4/20) and the time (4:20 am, CST) of my delivery, with the etymological derivation of my family name, a cognate in its original form with the local word for cannabis (i.e., "hemp,") all of which circumstances have concatenated to result in the man you would now behold, were you beholding me now...Over there, on the left...(Photo: Forest Taber)
Happy Monkey, one and all!
(Note: You cannot FIND this recording for less than $50. Go Figger!) Here's an idea! Pass the Kutchie by The Mighty Diamonds
Ozomatli's on it!
Coda: If there is to be any hope of actually pacifying the Border, we GOTTA
I was 9 in 1955. I'm the kid in the shorts, looking abashed, and patting the dog. KLIK the image to enlarge enough to read this. It's special... DOTOF™: TheMom/Attentive Aphorist
Somebody at YouTube suggested this as the "worst video in the world." Hard to argue against it.
Hhere's an inteview with the "composer/artist," a certain LLoyd Marcus from somewhere in Florida, carried on Faux Nois:
This self-same, benighted, befuddled ballad-belter (and I'd bet devoted bible-babbler) wrote a saccharine paean to Sarah Palin, too (Google it; want me to do ALL the work?)
Reconsidered: I don't know what get's you off, but I need a venue in which to place stuff which is funny--i.e., embarrassing, or painful, or hurtful to the political/cultural opposition, and/or otherwise testing the inner and outer boundaries of "taste." I go for "sardonic," and "ironic," and even "sarcastic."
As well as stuff that makes even an old, beat-up, wore-out, skeptical, agnostic, dilligaf, cynical stoner say "wow," or its cognates...
"He's an old blind bear....alone in the winter woods...with only the smell of his breath for comfort. Too mean to die, too lost to care. But show some caution....he's still the Bear."
The images on this site have been harvested on the Internet. The proprietor of this site merely reproduces them, under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law, the "fair use" convention. This site is maintained solely for the entertainment of such audiences as it may attract. I have not always done 'due diligence' in attributing the sources of these entertaining images; for this, and to those I have skimped in acknowledging, I apologize.